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Sterre Schlink
Sterre Schlink RA Tilburg
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Chat is online op maandag t/m vrijdag van 10.00 - 16.00 uur en van 19.00 - 22.00 uur.

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Sterre Schlink
Sterre Schlink RA Tilburg

Thank you

Caroline vertelde op 30 september 2009 om 23:43 uur
dank u A. Nieboer en Dorethe zoveel voor je hulp. Ik zal kijken naar de sites die u voorgesteld. Dit is de eerste keer voor genealogie voor mij dus het is een grote leercurve. Dus ik zal vragen wat meer vragen als dat is goed als ik vast komen te zitten.

Reacties (5)

A. Nieboer zei op 1 oktober 2009 om 11:24
Hello Caroline,
You can write in englissh when you have a question, no problem, my husband is a canadian.
succes. I work also with
Caroline zei op 2 oktober 2009 om 21:56
Thank you so much, I wasn't sure whether it was an automatic translation as the answers came back in english or whether people had taken the trouble to use a translator. Goodness knows whether writing in english and using the translator to change it to Dutch makes sense in dutch anyway. :)
Caroline zei op 3 oktober 2009 om 02:11
Can you advise whether it is worth paying a subscription to or something like that to get information? And when researching family trees is it possible to find out anything about where they lived, occupations etc. Just knowing a name and date of birth and death doesn't mean much to me without knowing any other details.
Dorethé zei op 3 oktober 2009 om 14:42
A subscription to or similar sites is not necessary I think. Just start searching the databases of the archives. When you've got information like names and dates, you can either order or download copies of the official documents; there you usually can find more information like occupation and addresses.
Then, You can search in other sources, like "Memorie van successie". In such a memorie you can find information on heirs, property owned, whether there was a will, etc.
You can look in the archives of the "notarissen" and "schepenen". Here you can find information on buying and selling property, on loans, custody, etc.
Lots of information on sources you can find at the website of the Nationaal Archief: Point to Voorouders -> Ondersteuning bij onderzoek -> Informatiebladen. Those information sheets on various subjects, will give information on how and where to find sources on those subjects. Most of them in Dutch only.
On this website of BHIC, you can look at "Genealogisch gereedschap" for information of different types of sources.
On the websites of the archives, you can also find more and more pictures and local newspapers, both downloadable or you can order copies.
Caroline zei op 4 oktober 2009 om 00:40
That is great information, thank you so much Dorethe, what a terrific message board this is, I am very happy to have stumbled across it and very grateful to have met such kind people to find time to respond.

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